Thursday, May 31, 2007

Something New!!!

It arrived!! As you can see, I've got my new passport in my hands. I thought that it would take over a month to get my replacement passport... but surprise, surprise the passport people were speedy. So, now I send the thing off to the Ethiopian Embassy for my business visa. But there's not too much of a hurry, because as you may know, I'm not scheduled to leave until August. Unless things change, I'll be around here for a while with a shiny new passport!
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Friday, May 25, 2007


Yeah... you all know I'm staying in the US longer. Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with this time I've been given. I'm heading to Portland for a training in health work in communities, I'm going to Kansas to visit friends and a fabulous church that is involved in the work in Zeway, and I'm hitching a ride to Colorado to visit some friends there. Before I know it will will be traveling for about a solid month. Whew! It's incredible how God has worked all this out so that I can see so many people.
But you know what really gets me is the question: am I using my time wisely and am I doing what I should be doing? A kid, named Kevin, from my neighborhood died last night. He was only 21. Here, I've got precious time to spend with people... am I doing it? Am I encouraging and being the smile people need? I don't know. If this was my last 24 would I be content with what I made of it.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Here's the Deal

Just to clarify... I am going to be here in the US for quite some time. I've got somewhere around a month before I receive my new passport. And a few more weeks after that for me to get my Ethiopian Business Visa. Also, my travel agency says the soonest they can get me back to Ethiopia (without me buying a new ticket) is August 7th. Please pray that when I do get all of my passport issues worked out, that I'm able to squeeze myself onto a plane a bit earlier than August.

In the meantime, I am here and available.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Whoops :(

To my surprise around midnight the night before the reception, I decided to look for my passport. I couldn't find it- so I didn't sleep much and felt sick all night long. It's Monday & I'm supposed to leave Tuesday and I still haven't found it.
What does this mean?? It means I'm sticking around here for a few more weeks while I get a new passport and business visa. I'm bummed as I was very excited about going back to Ethiopia and digging into some work. Thought you'd like to know....

Wedding Fun

May 12 was Josh and Abby's Santa Rosa Reception. After days of cleaning, preparation and planting flowers-- the stage was set and the event went off without a hitch. We had a blast at our simple but very nice party. To the envy of most women, Abby wore her beautiful wedding dress again (and also the next day for pictures). She looked fabulous and my brother was the happiest I've seen him.
It was great to be able to catch up with family and other friends whom I hadn't seen for a long time. And I got to answer many of the same questions such as how is the food, what do you normally eat, and what does a typical day look like. But overall it was just a great blessing to be able to share with my brother and new sister in their wedding day and their celebration day. Whoo hoo!!!