Thursday, June 28, 2007

A simple reflection

I've discovered that I'm not very good at sharing about things that I've just experienced. I've been traveling for about 3 weeks now and will soon be traveling for another week to Colorado. Everyone who knows I've been gone asks me how's it been?? What did you do?? and on and on. I just say it's been fabulous and awesome. I've learned a lot and seen so many people. How do I put into words all that has transpired. My few words just don't do any of this justice. In all honesty I can't even count all of the relationships and friendships that have been strengthened and the simple increadibleness of being able to see so many people who mean so much to me.
I guess what I can say is that I am astounded how God can work a stupid mistake that I made (aka losing my passport) and turn it into something life giving and beautiful. Yet another lesson among the many lessons for me to learn more about the one we know as Father.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

So excited to see you in CO! It is so wonderful that God has blessed you (and blessed other people through you) by you losing your passport :)