Tuesday, December 18, 2007


All I can say is wow! I was shaking and laughing with joy as I left the Indian Embassy in Kenya. Despite not having a kenyan re-entry and not giving the consulate sufficient time to process my visa into India, by the Grace of God I have been granted a visa and told to return to the Embassy this afternoon! Which means that I get to go on my vacation. Just a few hours ago, I wasn't quite so sure if it would happen. After my experience with the Indian Embassy in Ethiopia, and the buraucracy and the harsh treatment I recieved for not being a good international traveler, I didn't think I would fare all that better in Kenya. We prayed on our way to the office & found that the assistant who processes applications was in a far better mood than my friends had seen him before. He was even joking and laughing with us. He already knew my story because my friends had seen him multiple times. And I contributed a little bit from my experiences with the Embassy in Ethiopia. He started processing my permit and said we would have to talk to his superior.

We found his office and he sent us out. A few minutes later the assistant came with another man and spoke with t the superior about his case. Then we were told to come in. Immediatly the man tried to send us out again, but the assistant stopped him and quickly said a 20 second version of the story. The superior asked us where we were going and he waved us out of the room. Just like that I was approved for a visa- something that should have taken 72 hours or a week to happen and it was approved with the nod of a head.

They even agreed to have it ready by the end of the day because tommorow is a holiday. Really and truly a miracle!!!

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