Friday, September 14, 2007

Is it possible??

is it possible to be so full that you feel like you can't eat for days. It's a strange sensation when that feeling doesn't come from turkey and stuffing but from injera, coffee and doro wat (red chicken stew). I've just finished welcoming in the new year Ethiopian style. we are now officially 2 days into the year 2000 according to the Ethiopian calendar. I celebrated by doing what we do during holidays: eat and eat some more. Really, it's incredible how much our ever expanding stomachs can hold, when just keep eating more and more food.

The nice thing about this new year is that it was nice and warm. In the 80's maybe even into the 90's... I don't think that can be said of any new year I've experienced in the US.

So I'm back at work. Eagerly typing away at my computer. I'm supposed to be working, but the internet has decided to work today-- even so much as to let me use Blogger-- that i'm catching up on face book and checking out everyone's blogs. It's great to feel connected to people even though we're so far apart. So thanks to all of you for keeping me and the rest of the world updated.

OK I've gotta go and actually get some work done. We've got some visitors coming next week-- which means we've got a lot of planning and organizing to do. Here's to a great weekend!

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