Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Peace & Joy

The other night I was visiting one of my neighbors houses. There I sat on the floor in their mud walled house singing songs and watching the children dance. Then one of the girls who is about 10 years old said she knew a song from school (she goes to the Catholic school in town). They were trying to sing all of the "Christian" songs they knew. If any of you know the song "I've got joy like a river, I've got joy like a river.... Peace like a fountain"

In all her earnest it went something like this:
I've got joy like a liver I've got joy like a liver, I've got joy like a liver in my soul.
I've got peace like a lotion, I've got peace like a lotion, I've got peace like a lotion in my soul.

let me tell you I tried my hardest not to laugh--- just gave her a great big smile & asked her to sing more.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

That is so funny! I would have loved to hear that. How precious!