Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My First Visitor

My brother Josh is really my first visitor, but he helped me move in to my place and I wasn't really set up to host him. Saturday my girlfriend, Sara (who works for an NGO in Addis) came down for a one night visit. It was really great to be able to show her my house, my neighbors and life around Zeway. We walked down to the lake while being trailed by a bunch of kids asking for her water bottle and took a horse ride to the big outdoor market in town.

For me, it wonderful to have a friend who knows where I live and what it is like for me. When I got to Addis and tell my friends there about my day or about something that happened, its difficult for them to picture- just as you can only go off of what you've seen, experienced or imagine. So, it's a blessing for me to have yet another person who can understand a little bit of my life.

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