Friday, April 20, 2007

Bye-Bye Bicycle

I bought a bike for getting myself around Zeway. It was nice while it lasted because it's already gone. We had 4 days of meetings all in Amharic. Needless to say I was exhausted by the end of it. On the last day I came home late from the office, made some dinner and went to bed early. Unfortunately, I completely forgot about my bike. The next morning I soon realized that I left my bike outside and it was gone. Bummer for me!! The crazy thing, is my compound is locked at night and we have a high wall surrounding the compound. Either the thief came climbed over the wall then had a friend help lift the bike over the wall, or the thief was a friend of one of my neighbors.

I went to the police office with my boss and we filed a report about my missing bike (something I never would have done if I were in the US). So now, the theft of my bike has been the talk of my neighborhood. And it's been embarrassing explaining that I simply left it outside, unlocked. It is absolutely incredible how fast news can be passed around. I guess I'll be looking for a new bike when I return from the US… but given that I ride my bike with skirts all the time… this time I'll buy a "girls" bike. Now I'll be styling!!

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