Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!!

Well, I didn't actually eat any turkey or meat on one of the best days of the year. But it really was a fabulous day. I made my way from Zeway yesterday afternoon by bus to Addis and found my way to my friend Corrie's by the evening. There we had somewhere around 18 people gathered for a meal of stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls, cranberry sauce and rice. it was great and the house was filled with some people I knew and some people I didn't. When you're in a room full of people from all over the US (and even other parts of the world) it's incredible what thing draw people to Ethiopia. Some people found official jobs, teaching at private schools, working in medical programs, veterinarian programs, research, teaching English or law. But there are also many people like me who could be termed "missionaries" doing all sorts of different types of work. it's really an adventure getting all those people together.

The finally of the evening though, was the key lime pie, chocolate pie, pumpkin pie, and apple pie. OOOOOh I think the visions of those yummy desserts are etched forever in my mind!!

(sorry no pictures of the pretty pies)

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